Deposit of microorganisms
How to order
Orders can be made through the online catalog. Ordering instructions
Distribution policy, terms and conditions
Customers are obliged to agree with the TBRC distribution policy and terms and conditions in the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) or other contracts under which TBRC operates.
  • Distribution policy
  • Terms and conditions can be viewed in product detail (Distribution condition) in the catalog. Some biological materials may contain products owned by third parties and are subject to specific restrictions. The restrictions are mentioned in the catalog. Please carefully read the restrictions before placing an order.
Payment detail will be sent to the customer by email after TBRC approves the order. The customer can pay by credit card, wire transfer, check or cash.
After TBRC approves the order, the customer will be requested to send a signed MTA (and other required documents, if any) and proof of payment through post to TBRC. The requested biological materials will be distributed after TBRC receives the signed MTA and payment.

  • Microorganisms

    Microorganisms will be distributed in liquid/freeze-dried ampoules or on agar slants at ambient conditions. Liquid/freeze-dried microorganisms will be shipped out within 7 working days after TBRC receives payment and all of the required documents. Fresh cultures may take longer.

  • Molecular materials

    Most vectors will be distributed in host microorganisms on agar slants at ambient conditions. Distribution hosts are indicated in the catalog. Some materials will be distributed as dried DNA.

    Host microorganisms will be distributed in liquid/freeze-dried ampoules or on agar slants at ambient conditions.

    Liquid/freeze-dried materials and dried DNA will be shipped out within 7 days after TBRC receives payment and all required documents. Fresh cultures may take longer.

  • Antibodies

    Antibody type

    Form of shipment

    Product size

    Monoclonal antibody

    Concentrated monoclonal antibody (solution)

    1,000 tests
    2,000 tests

    Purified monoclonal antibody (freeze-dried)

    Upon request

    Polyclonal antibody

    Whole serum (solution)

    1,000 tests
    2,000 tests

    Purified polyclonal antibody (freeze-dried)

    Upon request

    Antibody solutions will be shipped at 4-8 °C within 7 days after TBRC receives payment and all required documents. If the ordered quantity exceeds the quantity available in stock (bulk order), the customer will be informed of the expected delivery date. All shipments of antibody solutions will be handled by World Courier and may not available for some countries.

    Purified antibodies will be distributed in freeze-dried form at ambient conditions. The customer will be informed of the expected delivery date.

  • Viruses

    Viruses will be shipped on dry ice within 7 working days after TBRC receives payment and all required documents. All shipments of viruses will be handled by World Courier and may not available for some countries.

Replacement policy
  • Microorganisms

    The customer should strictly follow instructions for revival and cultivation. Fresh cultures should be immediately subcultured and checked after receipt. Unsatisfactory microorganisms will be handled according to the reclamation policy of each collection.


      Fresh cultures should be grown and checked as soon as possible. Unsatisfactory microorganisms will be replaced free of charge if the customer informs TBRC within 14 days after the shipment date for fresh cultures and 45 days for freeze/liquid dried cultures, and if instructions for revival and cultivation were followed properly.

    • TISTR

      The customer should follow instructions for revival and cultivation provided with the microorganisms. Contamination or non-viability of the microorganisms should be reported to TBRC within 14 days after the shipment date for fresh cultures and 90 days for freeze-dried cultures. Replacement may be provided free of charge at TISTR’s discretion.

  • Molecular materials

    The customer should strictly follow instructions for revival and cultivation. Fresh cultures should be immediately subcultured and checked after receipt. Unsatisfactory materials will be replaced free of charge if the customer informs TBRC within 14 days after the distribution date for fresh cultures and 45 days for freeze/liquid dried materials and dried DNA, and if instructions for revival and cultivation were followed properly.

  • Antibodies

    Antibodies should be immediately inspected after receipt. If the antibodies do not perform as described on the product data sheet, the customer should notify TBRC within 30 days after distribution date. Products with a conformity defect reported within the timeframe will be replaced free of charge.

  • Viruses

    Viruses should be immediately inspected after receipt. Unsatisfactory viruses will be replaced free of charge if the customer informs TBRC within 30 days after the shipment date, and if instructions for revival and cultivation were followed properly.

Service fee
  • Microorganisms
    Details Fee (Excluding VAT)
    Organizations in Thailand Overseas


    1,500 - 4,000 Baht/strain

    2,500 - 6,000 Baht/strain


    Free of charge

    AEC countries 1,500 Baht/order
    Non-AEC countries 3,000 Baht/order

    Bank transfer

    Paid by the customer

    Paid by the customer

  • Molecular materials
    Details Fee (Excluding VAT)
    Organizations in Thailand Overseas

    Molecular materials

    3,000 Baht/material

    6,000 Baht/material


    Free of charge

    AEC countries 1,500 Baht/order
    Non-AEC countries 3,000 Baht/order

    Bank transfer

    Paid by the customer

    Paid by the customer

  • Antibodies
    Details Form of shipment Product size Fee (Excluding VAT)
    Organizations in Thailand Overseas

    Monoclonal antibody

    Concentrated monoclonal antibody (solution)

    1,000 tests

    10,000 Baht

    10,000 Baht

    2,000 tests

    14,000 Baht

    14,000 Baht

    Purified monoclonal antibody (freeze-dried)


    6,800 Baht/mg

    7,800 Baht/mg

    Polyclonal antibody

    Whole serum (solution)

    1,000 tests

    2,000 Baht

    2,000 Baht

    2,000 tests

    4,000 Baht

    4,000 Baht

    Purified polyclonal antibody (freeze-dried)


    3,500 Baht/mg

    4,500 Baht/mg



    Free of charge

    Antibody solutions: Handled by World Courier and will be charged to the customer

    Freeze dried antibodies: Depends on shipping method and will be charged to the customer

    Please contact us for detailed information about shipping and handling fees.

    Bank transfer


    Paid by the customer

    Paid by the customer

  • Viruses
    Details Fee (Excluding VAT)
    Organizations in Thailand Overseas


    3,000 Baht/strain

    6,000 Baht/strain


    Handled by World Courier and will be charged to the customer.
    Please contact us for detailed information about shipping and handling fees.

    Handled by World Courier and will be charged to the customer.
    Please contact us for detailed information about shipping and handling fees.

    Bank transfer

    Paid by the customer

    Paid by the customer