Collection TBRC
Other code BU 119 ; Delft E.III.8.13.1 ; Delft L 1374 ; Frateur 1 (I)
Other collection code BCC 40087 ; ATCC 12874 ; CCUG 18131 ; DSM 2347 ; LMD 29.4 ; NCIB 8618 ; IFO (now NBRC) 13755 ; JCM 25077 ; LMG 1635 ; NCCB 88049 ; NCCB 89009
History <---- BCC 40087 <---- LMG 1635 <---- NCIB 8618 <---- 1954, W.Verhoeven <---- J.Frateur <---- F.Visser 't Hooft <---- A.Struyck
Microorganism group Bacteria
LPSN Taxonomy
Source Water - ditch water
Country of origin Netherlands
Risk Group 1
Growth medium

Glucose 25 g
Ethanol 5 ml
Yeast extract 3 g
Peptone 5 g
CaCO3 7 g
Agar (if needed) 12 g
Distilled water 1000 ml

D-mannitol 25 g
Yeast extract 5 g
Peptone 3 g
Agar (if needed) 15 g
Distilled water 1000 ml

Growth temperature 30 °C
Oxygen requirement Aerobic
Distribution condition TBRC MTA
Note Type strain of Acetobacter peroxydans
Related link: Global catalog of microorganisms
Nucleotide sequence data
Species occurrence data
IUCN Red List


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