Collection TBRC
Other code 44EHW ; CMK254
Other collection code BCC 53155 ; NBRC 108932
History <---- BCC 53155 <---- W. Panbangred, 44EHW
Microorganism group Bacteria
Type strain Yes
Intra B, Matsumoto A, Inahashi Y, Omura S, Takahashi Y, Panbangred W. Actinokineospora bangkokensis sp. nov., isolated from rhizospheric soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2013 Jul;63(Pt 7):2655-2660.
LPSN Taxonomy
Genome-based taxonomy
Source Soil - rhizosphere (Colocasia esculenta)
Country of origin Thailand
Risk Group 1
Growth medium

Yeast extract 4 g
Malt extract 10 g
Dextrose (d-glucose) 4 g
Agar (if needed) 15 - 20 g
Distilled water 1000 ml

Growth temperature 25-30 °C
Oxygen requirement Aerobic
Distribution condition TBRC MTA
Related link: This species in other collections
Nucleotide sequence data
Species occurrence data
IUCN Red List

Overseas: 3,000 Baht

Thailand: 2,000 Baht

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